Wednesday, November 30, 2016

What the Sorrowful Mysteries Showed Me On This Day

Over the course of the last few months, I have been feeling utterly abandoned by my Catholic brothers and sisters due to the increasing backlash against the police in this country (see my last blog post).  As a Catholic cop, I am more than a little sensitive to this phenomenon.  I expect it from the public at large and especially from the criminal element, but I admit it threw me when I started to see it from my fellow parishioners, members of religious communities, and especially from the Catholic press.

It got to the point where I stopped praying my daily Rosary or doing any of the usual devotions I had been engaging in because I felt so betrayed.  I barely could get up the energy to attend Sunday Mass anymore.  Hard as I tried, I couldn’t separate my feelings from my spiritual life.

For many years now, I’ve been wondering if Jesus would give me a cross to bear.  I know that I have been blessed beyond measure by God with an unbelievably supportive and Godly wife and the most perfect children one could pray for.  My career has been amazing and it has allowed me to support my family well.  With the help of my beautiful wife, I found my way back home to the Catholic Faith where I have learned to truly love the Lord.  Could I really expect to escape this world without being tested?

Now I know what you are thinking: “Is this guy serious?  He has admitted to enjoying a happy, healthy life and family, and being blessed.  Is he now going to claim that just because some people have said some mean stuff about his profession that he has a cross to bear?”  With all the suffering all around us, is he really wanting us to feel bad for him??” I know.  I thought the same thing, but bear with me.  I’ll make you even more angry.

Forget the fact that cops are now getting murdered just for wearing the uniform due to the ongoing vilification of my profession and that my wife has to worry more and more each day if my brains are going to be blown out just for sport while I sit in my police car.  

Perhaps it is because I am within two months of retiring after thirty years as a cop that I am so sensitive, but I am starting to think about my “legacy” here at my department and the blood, sweat and tears-literally-that I’ve put into this job in the service of others.  I have endured a lot of vitriol and have had people try to kill me in earnest on several occasions, but I have always expected that from the bad guys.  Now though, I’m getting this hostility from my own faith community (even though none of them actually knows anything about police work, have never undergone one minute of training, have never been in a physical fight not to mention ever had to actually fight for their lives). 

As I reflect back on my career and the friends I’ve lost in the line of duty, and all the sacrifices made, I had been feeling completely disheartened because of today’s climate.  I am not exaggerating when I say I have lost much sleep over this and have agonized over it.  It has torn me up.
Today though, I forced myself to go over to my parish on my lunch break to pray the Rosary like I had been doing for the last three years or so but had let slip lately due to what I have already written about.  Believe me, I was not in the mood to do it.  As I pondered the Sorrowful Mysteries though, I thought about Christ as he was humiliated, tortured, and completely and utterly betrayed by those that He loves beyond understanding-those that He came down from Heaven to save.  They all not only turned their backs on Him, but many openly cheered for His death in the most horrific way imaginable, and some even participated in it.  His closest friends denied knowing Him.  Judas, hand-picked by Christ Himself turned Him over to the Romans for execution.  Still, He let it all happen with nothing but love in His heart.  Again, I know what you’re thinking: “Is he really going to compare his hurt feelings with the sufferings of Christ??”  No, I am not….but…..

I thought about how I could offer up my own feelings of betrayal and my disenchantment with fellow Catholics, especially the Catholic media, and some religious, and I thought to myself, if Christ can lovingly endure the unimaginable torture and death that He did, I certainly can join my suffering that pales in comparison with that of His.  I can take comfort in the fact that even while He was enduring the crown of thorns and the beatings, the plucking of His beard and the humiliation, if I were there and had approached our Blessed Lord with my piddling little problems, He still would’ve taken me into His arms like the loving Father He is, and He would’ve comforted me and healed me.  Today I asked him to do just that, and to help me concentrate on His Holy Bride the Catholic Church; to have faith in Him and all the promises He made to us and to realize my whole heart should be concentrating on getting my family and myself to Heaven and that nothing else in this world matters.  I left the cathedral feeling like a new man.
I’ll be resuming my daily rosary.                


Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Why Are So Many Catholics So Anti-Police?

In experiencing a reversion and returning fully to the Catholic Faith about eight years ago, I caught fire.  However, recent events have tested my faith in a most unexpected way.  You see, I am a veteran of almost thirty years of law enforcement, and to say my profession has been attacked recently is a gross understatement. 

As a cop, I have been accused of the most horrific things by complete strangers and have had people wish me dead just for wearing the badge-the badge I donned under oath to faithfully serve my fellow citizen even to the point of dying for them.  When I started, I was under no illusion that I would be loved for what I did, and in fact, I relished the idea of serving despite being hated for doing the right thing (Matt 5:10).  What I did not expect, however, was that the hatred shown would come from good, honest, decent and well-meaning people who have bought into a false narrative propagated by special interest groups and aided by the media.  I am not going to get into how cold hard facts prove that cops are not killing people-minorities especially- in the numbers the media want us to believe.  To read more on this, I’ve offered an excellent article written by Heather MacDonald from Hillsdale College:  I also won’t get into how much more than 99% of officer-involved shootings are completely justified and within established legal guidelines.  That’s for another day.  This has to do with how my fellow Catholics are treating me and my colleagues despite those facts.
When I came back to the Catholic Church, I immersed myself in Her riches and read everything I could get my hands on.  I jumped on social media to keep up with Catholic apologists, Catholic blogs, Catholic news services, etc. and I realized I could even connect with a whole bunch of priests and other religious from around the world!  Best case scenario, right? Not even close.

Now, I am not naive enough to think that just because someone wears a Roman collar, or defends the faith on an international stage they will be completely free of prejudice, but I expected at least a modicum of fairness in the assessments they share.

One by one, these people whom I looked up to as models of Christian charity and steadfast truthfulness started to not only buy into the anti-cop rhetoric, but they also promote it as well.  One Legion of Christ priest in particular, who is very well known on social media posted an article about a police shooting that was authored by a virulently anti-cop, left wing writer and the priest offered a comment blaming the officer for the shooting.  He had no proof, mind you that the cop was wrong nor did he have any information other than the story from this reporter, but in the priest’s opinion, this shooting was unjustified.  When I commented in his post that the writer was biased and that none of the facts were known yet, the good Father responded quite tersely while supporting his uninformed assessment.  So much for truth or charity.
Another social media post by an internationally known Catholic apologist and radio show host concerned a different police-involved shooting.  Again, the attached news report was by a leftist news organization and immediately the issue of race was exploited to convict the officer.  Did the apologist offer any comments urging restraint or giving the benefit of the doubt?  Nope.  In fact, when I commented asking for just that, I was attacked, along with the whole of law enforcement by this guy’s Catholic followers.  Photos of police dogs attacking civil rights marchers back in the 1960’s were posted for my benefit.  What in the world does that have to do with a police officer in 2016 responding to a threat and shooting a gun-wielding person?  Did this apologist step in and call for a charitable exchange among his followers?  Nope.  He simply posted an anti-police story and sat back to watch the fireworks.  I’ve heard this apologist bend over backward to accommodate attackers of the Catholic Faith, but cops get no such treatment.  

These instances represent only two of many such encounters.  Google “Black Lives Matters Madonna” and take a look at how a “Catholic” organization has misused a painting of Our Lady to perpetuate the lies.
Catholics, by their nature often side with the underdog-the oppressed, the marginalized, and that is a great thing.  However, too many now have accepted the propaganda that ANY minority killed by the police is automatically a victim of “police violence” and was targeted due to their race.
I consider myself blessed to be able to work in the same city I live and go to church and every day on my lunch break, I try to get over to my parish to pray a Rosary.  It has helped me tremendously to grow in my faith. Over the last two years though, I’ve noticed a marked change in how fellow parishioners react to seeing me in uniform. It started with lack of eye contact and has moved to obvious disdain and now open hostility.
Contrast that with my interactions with Evangelical folk I deal with on a regular basis at a mega church that is also in our city. Whenever I have to go there while working, I can barely make it into the building without being stopped several times so they can thank me for my service.  If I did not know the truths of the Catholic faith, it is very possible that I would be a member there.  I now find myself avoiding my parish church unless it is to go to confession or attend Sunday Mass and my prayer life is suffering as a result.  I realize I can pray anywhere, but feeling unwelcome in my own parish and vilified by fellow Catholics has taken its toll.  I barely have the spiritual strength to get to Sunday Mass anymore.  My pastor and even our wonderful bishop have always supported law enforcement and are very welcoming, but when experiencing this backlash from others in my faith community, I’m at a loss.  I’ve had to really concentrate on the fact that the Catholic Church is much more than the sinners like me who occupy it, that it is divinely instituted and it is She alone that can give me the Eucharist and the chance at Heaven.  Otherwise, I’d probably be gone.
I have spent more than half my life fighting for the oppressed, protecting the victims in our society, and have lived a life of service.  I have given so much for my community and have sacrificed much.  I’ve missed holidays, birthdays, have had to leave my wife and four kids alone in our house during four different hurricanes. I’ve been shot at several times, been spat on, kicked, punched, ended up in the hospital, and had my family threatened.  All that I expect as part of my job.  What I do not expect is for my fellow Catholics-clergy included-to pile on.  The media trip over themselves to blame everything on cops and well-meaning people are now buying into those lies.  The rhetoric that exists nowadays making enemies of police officers is getting us killed just for wearing the uniform.  It’s no joke, and a good portion of the Catholic community seems to be fine with it.
You would think that Catholics had learned not to trust the media.  After the priest sex abuse scandals of the 90’s, the media made it seem as if every single priest was an abuser.  We all knew better though.  But now, the media says all cops are bloodthirsty racists and yeah, Catholics are good with that.  They’ll even use the stories from the same media outlets that disingenuously and viciously attacked Holy Mother Church in the past to indict the police when none of them knows anything about working the streets as a cop.  

Catholic talk shows will speak with confidence of how we “need to have a conversation” about police shootings while pretending to actually have a clue about such matters.  I make the analogy sometimes of my watching a heavily edited video of a surgeon who loses a patient on the table.  Of course, it’s only the last 10-15 seconds of this surgery, and all the things that happened that were out of the control of the surgeon prior to the death of the patient are not shown or discussed, but with absolutely no medical training or experience, I’m now going to meticulously pick apart, over the course of several hours, the actions of the surgeon who had only seconds to react and adjust and then proclaim that what he did amounted to murder because life choices the patient made contributed to his death.  Seems fair.  And, the surgeon isn’t even having to operate while his life is being threatened!  The Catholic talk show hosts often end this “conversation” (or indictment) with “but of course, we support law enforcement and thank them for their service.”  Please.  Just don’t.  And by all means, invite academicians and other “experts” on your show to discuss police shootings, but don’t for the love of all that is good in this world, invite an actual street cop on to give any perspective, because everyone is an expert, right?

I have had to start “un-friending” or “unfollowing” many, many fellow Catholics because of the overwhelming anti-cop rhetoric.  I literally lose sleep over this, and my faith is getting weaker every day because I can’t listen to Catholic radio that used to buoy my spiritual strength.  I never have asked for thanks for what I do.  The only thing I’ve ever asked from the public, including my fellow Catholics is the benefit of the doubt and I’m not seeing that.  In fact, I am now getting attacked and I’m not going to lie.  It hurts.  A lot.                     

Friday, November 13, 2009


A “tragedy” has occurred at one of our Army bases according to most in the “Mainstream” media. A member of our own armed forces who also happened to be a Muslim viciously gunned down unarmed people in the one place they should feel safest of all. For many of the victims who had seen action in Iraq and Afghanistan, it is a horrible irony that they should lose their lives on American soil.
The shooting was many things, but it most certainly was not a “tragedy.” As many in the media and our very own government try desperately to downplay the Muslim terrorist aspect, they insist on calling it a “tragedy” and insisting that Major Hasan was mentally ill.
A tragedy is most often characterized by an unavoidable component. A little kid runs out into the street after a ball and a driver can’t stop in time….A plane crashes due to sudden bad weather….those are tragedies. The cowardly, Muslim Religion-inspired slaughter of unarmed people (and I would’ve loved to have seen the results had Hasan tried this overseas where the Army people were allowed to be armed!) was an act of terror perpetrated by a Muslim terrorist-pure and simple. And it appears the Army and some Intelligence agencies knew Hasan was advocating the killing of non-believers, and that he railed against the wars on terror, etc. etc. etc. but did nothing.
Can we blame the Army, FBI, CIA et al for not acting? Perhaps, but with Obama threatening to prosecute some of those very same people for courageously fighting the war on terror, one can see how political correctness made them a little squeamish. Thank God for those two hero police officers who rushed in to stop this guy, thereby saving countless others. More on them later.
So Obama and the “Lamestream Media” as Marc Levin calls them are trying desperately to get us to believe this was nothing close to a Muslim Terror attack perpetrated on American soil. Sadly, I think some really do think Hasan was just a nutcase. Either way, they need to be set straight, so with apologies to Jeff Foxworthy and without an ounce of comedy intended, I offer the following for them to consider:
If you are a Muslim and you shout “Allahu Akbar” before gunning down innocent people… might be a terrorist.
If you are a Muslim and contact Al Qaeda several times hoping to win their favor… might be a terrorist.
If you are a Muslim and you worship at the same exact Anti American, militant mosque that many of the 9-11 hijackers did….you might be a terrorist.
If you go around telling your fellow Army members that you are a Muslim first, and American second (or better yet that you love death more than they love life), you might be a terrorist.
Make no mistake about it Mr. President. We do not believe you when you try to tell us that Hasan was not a terrorist. We just got hit again with another terrorist attack here in America and it happened on your watch! Is anyone really shocked?

Friday, September 11, 2009

I'll Say It If No One Else Will

I am truly at a loss on this 8th anniversary of the 9-11 attacks. While I cannot bring myself to watch any of the documentaries, my wife can’t tear herself away from the television. Maybe it’s because my job reminds me every day of the worst loss of American lives on our soil. Maybe it’s because I simply cannot stand to become enraged every year to the extent I do watching the news specials. My wife always asks why I don’t want to remember the day those nutcases flew the jets into the buildings, and I tell her I don’t need to watch television for me to remember-it never leaves my mind.

At least though, in all the other 9-11 anniversaries, I knew our President was one of firm resolve and dedication to our preservation. I knew that George W. Bush awoke every single morning wondering how many terrorists we could kill and how best to protect us. I never, ever doubted that. I cannot say the same or anything near that of Obama.

His decision to afford Miranda and other rights to terrorists, to tell his Attorney General to investigate (Again) the CIA officers that did their jobs admirably, his refusal to even utter the words “Terrorism” or “war on terror” along with every other decision he has made related to Islamofacism speaks volumes about his administration.

Just as I believed in W’s complete dedication to our security, I believe Obama is dedicated to the idea that the U.S. was complicit in the 9-11 attacks through our actions, and that we as a country have to show a willingness to “dialogue” with Muslims, and to show humility. I truly believe that Obama actually sympathizes with their fascist ideology. During the campaign, John McCain told America to look at the people Obama associated with-the unrepentant terrorists like William Ayers, the racists like Jeremiah Wright, and to judge him by the company he keeps. Obama responded by saying he would surround himself with the likes of Warren Buffett, General James Jones, and other mainstream figures if elected. Now, since he has taken office, we see him bringing in people like self described communists (Van Jones), extremely radical John Holdren who has advocated compulsory abortions, and many others who want to “fundamentally change the U.S.” Obama didn’t even want to wear an American flag pin until he was embarrassed into doing so. The President of the United States appointed AN ACTUAL COMMUNIST to his White House staff, and no one cared!!

It makes me absolutely sick to watch the President of the United States declare war on the CIA, Fox News, Conservatives, and so many other Americans but then cozy up to terrorists and apologize for America while on foreign soil. Make no mistake- B. Hussein Obama has worked to weaken our defenses to the extent that he has actually made us more vulnerable to attack.

His attempts to nationalize health care are not due to his concern for the less fortunate. Health care “reform” is just the fastest way to socialism-that’s it. And if any of us disagree with Obama, we are accused of being racists. We just don’t like the fact that a black man is in the Oval Office. Gee, that’s not cop out, is it? Why is it that even the most ardent conservatives won’t just come out and say it? Obama is a communist. He has proven it through the company he keeps and through his actions in governing so far. He won’t participate in the National Prayer day, but he bows to a Saudi king; He insists on having a cross covered before he would appear at a Christian college to give a speech, but he spends twenty years in a church where the pastor screams “God Damn America!” He states emphatically to foreigners that “America is no longer a Christian nation.” He was an attorney for ACORN, the organization whose employees were just caught on tape counseling a woman posing as a prostitute to avoid paying taxes and to bring in UNDER AGE girls to the U. S. for the purposes of prostitution.

I do have faith in the American people though. Obama’s poll numbers are falling faster than we can count, and the mainstream media is actually forced to report on some of the failings of his administration. Let’s just hope that more of his own actions will bring the rest of America around.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The "Lion" Sleeps Tonight

The "Liberal Lion" Ted Kennedy has died. Right off the bat, I am going to differentiate myself from the vast majority of liberal bloggers who have, at one time or another, wished any number of conservatives dead of cancer. Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, Sarah Palin, Tony Snow, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham-and many more have had the most disgusting and disturbing things wished upon them by the animals at the hate sites like "Daily Kos" and the "Huffington Post."

I have yet to see a conservative sink to the lowest of lows that libs have, and I do not intend to break that streak. I will state unequivocally that I do not wish what Teddy went through on anyone-even the most heinous of liberals (too redundant?). However, unlike all news outlets today, I also refuse to trip over myself to attempt to find even one redeeming quality the man ever exhibited. I am sincerely and utterly at a loss in this regard. As a conservative, I believe in redemption and that no human life is a waste, but Teddy Kennedy sure has challenged me in this belief.

What I fear now is that the Dems are going to use his death as a rallying cry to push Obama's radically socialist health care agenda through. We all know that health care "reform" was one of Kennedy's biggest priorities (although, like the anointed one, he would have been exempted from having to enroll in the government option). One cannot help but wonder how much sooner he would have died and how much poorer his quality of life would have been had he been subjected to the rationed health care that is surely coming our way.

History is replete with stories of Teddy Kennedy's excess-how he would "accidentally" walk in to a room nude to the horror of young ladies, his booze-fueled frat boy antics at Au Bar in Palm Beach with his accused rapist nephew, and oh, that little thing called Chappaquiddick. The irony of all ironies is how Teddy fought to change the law in Massachusetts so that if Kerry had been elected president in 2004, then Republican Governor Mitt Romney could not name a Republican successor-that a special election had to be held. As his death drew closer, Kennedy begged the Massachusetts state legislators to change the law back so that the present Democrat governor could name a successor. This, of course was so the health care plan would not be jeopardized. No hypocrisy there though.

Just like the month following the election that ACORN stole for Obama, I cannot stand to watch the news right now. I simply cannot stomach watching the jackasses on both sides of the aisle serving up the platitudes for one of the most destructive forces in our government's history.

Like I said at the beginning of this post, I do not relish the fact that this man suffered or that his family lost a loved one. But the sad fact remains-he still lived a full 40 years longer than poor Mary Jo Kopechne.

Monday, July 20, 2009

One Adam-12, Officers Need Assistance!

There is one movie and television genre that, to help bring my blood pressure under control, I have learned to stay away from. It’s one of the most popular, and can be greatly entertaining, but I can’t bring myself to watch cop shows anymore.

I just cannot stomach the all out assault on America’s police officers any longer. Think I’m over reacting? Consider this: In any given cop show or movie, is there at least one bad cop in it? Of course there is. Even when the protagonist is a “good cop,” what is he doing? He’s usually working against the tide-against the other bad cops and he’s the one honest one. Or, he’s trying to build a case against a bad cop, or better yet, he doesn’t know that his partner is the serial killer they’ve been tracking until it’s almost too late. And then, the “hero” cop is usually some alcoholic, divorced, sex or drug addicted, barely hanging on to his sanity-wreck. This completely ignores the fact that the vast majority of real police officers today are true professionals. The extremely rare occurrence of a cop doing the wrong thing is shown as being the rule as opposed to the exception.

It is so ingrained in Hollywood that it seems like there has to be a bad cop in the movie or it won’t get made. The most egregious, sickening example I can give is the movie “Monster,” starring that darling of the liberal set Charlize Theron. It supposedly told the story of the real life Daytona Beach area prostitute and serial killer Aileen Wuornos. Even though this brutal murderer killed seven men and was unapologetic about it, Hollywood just had to show her as a victim. The most disgusting scene showed a road patrol cop forcing Wuornos to perform a sex act on him while he was on duty and in his patrol car. There was NEVER any allegation that she had ever been victimized by any police officer, or that the cops ever acted in any other way than professionally. In fact, a team of dedicated, highly trained police detectives worked tirelessly to find and arrest this killer. Not only were the cops not given any credit for their outstanding work, but they were portrayed as the bad guys. I used to think this tactic was limited to MSNBC’s coverage of George W. Bush. I will save the media’s assault on cops for a later offering.

I remember being so excited about seeing my two favorite actors starring together for the first time in a movie. Even though they had appeared together in “Heat,” Robert De Niro and AL Pacino had never starred together throughout an entire movie until “Righteous Kill.” They played detectives who had been partnered for years, and who were tracking a serial killer. How’d it turn out? You guessed it, one of them WAS the serial killer! Too bad that was the exact plot of the 2003 Meg Ryan movie “In the Cut." To add insult to injury, the “Special Edition” DVD purchase of “Righteous Kill” comes with a bonus “documentary” detailing police corruption. It features a guy who was drummed out of police work and who claims to know all about it. Watching this piece of garbage, you’d think all cops are corrupt. There was absolutely no attempt to provide balance. Sickening.

I have argued this point with my friends, some of whom say that it is more an example of a Hollywood that has run out of any semblance of new ideas, but noted law enforcement trainer, retired Army Ranger, and psychology professor Lt. Colonel Dave Grossman calls it “A systematic, on-going vilification process of America’s police officers by a liberal Hollywood.” Grossman posits that because the vast majority of Hollywood indulges in drugs, and identifies with the counter culture, they hate the police. I couldn’t possibly agree more. Hollywood uses their bully pulpit to turn Americans against the true modern day heroes-those who, as Grossman puts it, can trace their lineage directly to the “knights of old” who strapped on their body armor, hung a shield on their left sides and their weapon on their right, and went about the country doing good deeds. Ever wonder where the police badge, or "shield" came from?

My oldest daughter asked me the other day what the word “nostalgia” meant. As I explained it to her, it occurred to me that I have a certain nostalgia for the time when police officers were portrayed as the good guys. Gone are the days of “Adam-12” where every day, Reed and Malloy climbed into their Black and White and enforced the law, protecting and serving, and best of all, catching bad guys! Now, if we want to watch a cop show, we are forced to watch swill like “Training Day” (for which Denzel Washington won an Academy Award), “16 blocks,” “Internal Affairs,” “Unlawful Entry,” “The Shield,” or even “NYPD Blue.”

There is a disturbing trend emerging in real-life criminal justice. It’s called “The ‘CSI’ effect.” Civilians are so taken by the modern day police drama epitomized by the “CSI” show franchise, and are inundated with such bad information, that real life juries now insist on DNA and fingerprint evidence being present in every case or they will acquit. State Attorney offices have actually printed bulletins warning the police of the “CSI effect” and have instructed cops to explain in their reports why DNA and fingerprint evidence may not be part of their case-never mind the fact that getting those things in real life is rare. My point is, if the general public can be fooled into thinking that any police agency worth its salt will have DNA evidence in all cases, what effect do you think every show highlighting fictional bad cops will have?

Monday, July 13, 2009

Red Sonya

As I sit here watching the opening statement by Patrick Leahy in the confirmation (Canonization?) hearing of Sonya Sotomayor, I am literally sick to my stomach. He actually has called for the political bias to be kept out of the process-and he did it with a straight face!

It is the liberal contingent that, for political reasons torpedoed the nomination of the eminently qualified Judge Robert Bork, leading to the term "getting Borked" entering the American lexicon to mean being unfairly attacked and ultimately rejected for no good reason. And what about Miguel Estrada? After being nominated for a position on the Federal bench, he was "Borked" because he held conservative views and because the federal bench is widely seen as an easy stepping stone to become a member of the Supremes. So, in effect, the liberals "Borked" Estrada, who was also highly qualified because of political reasons. The Liberals are all crowing about Sotomayor being the first Hispanic to be named to the Supreme Court, after having eviscerated Estrada. Isn't that just a tad disingenuous?

And if I hear one more member of the media elite mention her "compelling story," I swear I will puke. She is the product of affirmative action and has not done much to distinguish herself in her judicial career except to always side with the liberal cause. To hear just a quick list of her previous decisions attacking the right to bear arms, promoting abortion on demand, reverse discrimination (see the Ricci case the Supreme Court just overturned), it is sickeningly obvious that she is just as radical as the president who nominated her. Make no mistake people, communism is coming, and her name is Sonya Sotomayor.

Obama has said repeatedly that empathy is one of the most important qualities a Supreme Court nominee should have. Empathy?! Are you kidding? How about a strict, apolitical adherence to the constitution? No, that would be asking too much I guess.

The libs would never and could never show the courage the conservatives did when, in a weak moment, George W. Bush nominated the woefully unqualified Harriet Meyers for the Supremes. Conservatives all over the country fought her nomination until it was withdrawn prior to any confirmation hearings. Thank God for Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter!

The confirmation of Sotomayor is sadly, a fait accompli. Just for once though, I'd like to see the conservatives on the judiciary committee take the gloves off and give the libs a taste of their own medicine. Let's attack her like they've attacked all of our nominees (remember Samuel Alito's wife sobbing during his hearing?). The only difference is that we'll have facts on our side, unlike the libs. Maybe we'll start getting some respect and our future nominees (assuming we'll still have any in the future) will be treated a little more fairly.

I am truly scared about the path this Country is on. The libs have the super majority and are unstoppable. Elections have consequences people....I just hope and pray that the mid-term elections will provide some parity. Until then though, the U.S. is undoubtedly going to be damaged some more.